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Introduction of Hangzhou Dunpai Chain Group Co.,Ltd

Group company become the first supplier of one export sales customer automobile chains



      From the 15th to 19th of April,Foreign trade department of Donghua Chain Group attended the 113th canton fair in Guangzhou.

In this exhibition, the booth was specially beautiful designed and additionally ,blue and red color background shown the great power of Donghua and enterprise image of Donghua-KOBO,which also attracted many cutomer sof the world. Many customers came to our booth for visit and the business talk in this exhibition.

      The chain products which were shown in this exhibition covered many kinds such as driving chains,conveyor chains,engineering chains,automobile chains and escalator chains etc.,which already shown the quality and the design&manufacturing capacity.

     It is well known that the Canton Fair is the barometer and wind indicator of Chinese foreign trade industry.With the main economy entity reviving of the European,U.S and Japan etc.,more customers came to visit the exhibition than before.There were approximately 24,700 enterprises attended this fair.Under the situation of global severe economy and more competive market ,being as the direct publicity means ,Canton Fair can not only let you talk with the customers face to face but also present the manufacturing ,research and development capacity of Group company,which further improves its brand recoginition and reputation.


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